Wildlife Tracks and Signs

River otter trail with a slide down a short slope.North Cascades, WA

River otter trail with a slide down a short slope.North Cascades, WA

Porcupine, fast walk track pattern. Umpqua Dunes, Oregon Coast

Porcupine, fast walk track pattern. Umpqua Dunes, Oregon Coast

Mountain Lion and Black-tailed Deer tracks in mud. Skagit River, Washington.

Mountain Lion and Black-tailed Deer tracks in mud. Skagit River, Washington.

Canada lynx, walking trail wending through fresh snow. North Cascades, Washington

Canada lynx, walking trail wending through fresh snow. North Cascades, Washington

Pellets of 3 Pacific Northwest Lagomorphs:Black-tailed jackrabbit (left), Nuttal’s cottontail (center), Pygmy rabbit (right) Southeastern Oregon.

Pellets of 3 Pacific Northwest Lagomorphs:Black-tailed jackrabbit (left), Nuttal’s cottontail (center), Pygmy rabbit (right) Southeastern Oregon.

Black bear claw marks on a Ponderosa pine tree. Northwestern Montana.

Black bear claw marks on a Ponderosa pine tree. Northwestern Montana.

Northern River Otter. Right hind foot. Puget Sound, Washington

Northern River Otter. Right hind foot. Puget Sound, Washington

Coyote tracks, front (bellow) and hind (above). Oregon Coast.

Coyote tracks, front (bellow) and hind (above). Oregon Coast.
