Searching for Fisher Habitat in the Cariboos

This summer I spent a week traveling through central British Columbia’s Cariboo region searching for signs of fisher (Martes pennanti) and learning about why fisher populations appear to be disappearing from across much of the region. This trip was the start of field work for Echo Conservation’s Fisher Project funded through a grant from Y2Y Conservation Initiative

It turns out industrial logging as it is currently carried out in British Columbia poses major challenges to fishers who depend on older trees for refuge and denning habitat and complicated woody structures on the forest floor as thermal refuge and areas to hunt in the winter under the snow pack. Clearcuts remove all of this from the landscape making vast areas unusable for these creatures and fragmenting remaining forest habitat.

In the months that come we will be carrying out interviews with biologists, stakeholders, and managers along with setting camera traps to get a behind the scenes view into the lives of these fascinating little carnivores!